MegaPixel Playland, LLC Waiver and Release of Liability PLEASE READ CAREFULLY BEFORE SIGNING. THIS IS A RELEASE OF LIABILITY AND WAIVER OF CERTAIN LEGAL RIGHTS I understand that participating in the use of the bounce houses, inflatables and games from MegaPixel Playland, LLC, an Illinois limited liability company, involves risk, danger, and hazards that may cause serious personal injury or death and injuries are a common and ordinary occurrence. I voluntarily elect to participate in playing in the bounce houses, inflatables and games from MegaPixel Playland, LLC and I fully understand this involves jumping on air filled entertainment toy(s) games such as inflatable jousting and other yard games and I fully understand the health and safety risks associated with these types of activities. I, therefore, assume all risk of injury and/or death associated with this event.

 I will not hold MegaPixel Playland, LLC, its agents, owners, members, shareholders, employees, or anyone affiliated with MegaPixel Playland, LLC, liable for any circumstances of this event. I release and hold harmless and agree not to bring any action or suit against MegaPixel Playland, LLC, its owners, members, parent, subsidiaries and affiliates, officers, shareholders, equipment manufacturers, agents and employees and sponsoring agencies “MegaPixel Playland, LLC” releases from any liability resulting from any personal injury to myself, including death, or damage to my property which is caused by the breach of any express or implied warranty or the negligent act or omission of any MegaPixel Playland, LLC release in the design, location, construction, inspection, maintenance and repair on or about the bounce house, inflatables and games from MegaPixel Playland, LLC inventory. I hereby confirm that I am in good physical condition and do not suffer from any disabilities or physical conditions that place me or others at risk or otherwise physically inhibit participation in this event. 

By this waiver and release, I assume any risk and take full responsibility and warranty of any and all claims of personal injury and death or damages to, but not listed, my use of MegaPixel Playland, LLC property or engaging in MegaPixel Playland, LLC activities or other activities on or near the premises on the dates the item is used.

 I acknowledge that I have read, understand, and fully agree to the terms of this waiver and release and its contents. I understand and confirm that by signing this waiver and release, I have given up considerable future legal rights I sign this waiver and release voluntarily, under no duress or threat of duress, without inducement, promise, or guarantee being communicated to me. My signature is proof of my intent to execute a complete and unconditional waiver and release of all liabilities in force under the law. I am eighteen (18) years of age or older and mentally competent to enter into this waiver.

 If the individual participating in the use of the bounce house, inflatables and games from MegaPixel Playland, LLC is a minor, I am signing as a parent or legal guardian of said minor. I represent that I have the full authority to do so, realizing that this release is binding upon the minor child as well as myself.